The top-level mas key contains set of options instructing electron-builder on how it should build MAS (Mac Application Store) target. Inherits macOS options.

  • entitlements String | “undefined” - The path to entitlements file for signing the app. build/entitlements.mas.plist will be used if exists (it is a recommended way to set). See this folder in osx-sign’s repository for examples. Be aware that your app may crash if the right entitlements are not set like for example on arm64 builds with Electron 20+. See Signing and Notarizing macOS Builds from the Electron documentation for more information.
  • entitlementsInherit String | “undefined” - The path to child entitlements which inherit the security settings for signing frameworks and bundles of a distribution. build/entitlements.mas.inherit.plist will be used if exists (it is a recommended way to set). See this folder in osx-sign’s repository for examples.
  • binaries Array<String> | “undefined” - Paths of any extra binaries that need to be signed.